You own a patent or a patent application , and you want to get a value estimate.
This service lets you, after filling our online evaluation form, get a value range within 3 working days.
Our questions are accessible to all (no need to be a specialist). They cover various fields of interest: legal, technical, target market, business model and financial data (revenue, profit margins or projected revenue).
We do not perform any validation or consistency check on the information you provide.
We apply a valuation method compliant with current professional practices and standards: it is based on a set of declarative criteria, which we classify, qualify or evaluate. These parameters focus on different dimensions of your invention and we use them as inputs in our evaluation matrix. This matrix qualifies the different types of risks (legal, market, operator, etc.) and uses the net present value method. This lets us create a realistic and tailored estimate.
Important :
Given the method we use, this service is a good option for you only if you are able to provide an expected revenue forecast. We will not be able to process your request without this information or if you don’t foresee your invention generating revenue in the future.
To take full advantage of this service, we recommend you check all input information with your Industrial Property attorney and financial advisors, if possible.
If you have any question during the valuation process, feel free to contact us directly.