IP’NUTS is an online service offered by Finantis Value, a company specialized in intangible assets management strategies and financial valuation.
Companies and entrepreneurs are often unaware of the true financial value of their intangible assets. Yet intangible assets, and IP rights more specifically, can propel company development, and their value matters.
We are independent evaluators. Our job is to determine the value of intangible assets and to justify their value in various contexts: equity-related operations, accounting, and tax or legal transactions. We are often called upon carry out an in-depth asset analysis and use several valuation methods to ensure our work is of the highest quality possible.
However, you do not always need a full expert report to get a reliable idea of your asset’s value, and one created with a methodology that complies with applicable standards.
Having an estimate of the potential value of these assets lets you adjust your strategy and decide whether a fully independent study is a good investment for you.
Our goal with IP’NUTS is to provide an online service enabling you to quickly obtain (within 3 working days) a trustworthy estimate of the value range of your Industrial Property rights, namely trademarks, patents, or designs.
Finantis Value was born from the alliance of Finantis group‘s financial engineering know-how and Nowall Innovation‘s vision for innovative strategies.
This structure lets us combine all the financial, economic, and technical knowledge necessary to truly understand innovative assets and their valuation.
We are members of several professional organizations, including LESI (Licensing Experts Society International), CNCEF (National Chamber of Financial Advisers and Experts), SFEV (French Society of Valuers), and EACVA / NACVA (European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts).


Founded in 1997, Finantis group is, before anything else, a team of over 30 dedicated, experienced, and qualified professionals.
Finantis is a member of the Inpact International professional network, an alliance of accounting firms, auditors, and consultants in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.

The Finantis firm was ranked in the Leaders League magazine on several occasions, for the quality of its practice:
Mergers & acquisitions
Financial evaluation & asset transfer and merger audits
Ranking 2021 – Auditing & accounting firms (France)
Mergers & acquisitions
Transaction services consulting
Ranking 2021 – Auditing & accounting firms (France)
Private Equity
Transaction services consulting
Ranking 2021 – Auditing & accounting firms (France)
Financial Evaluation,
Statutory Auditors and Mergers
Ranking 2021 – Audit & accounting firms (France)

Sylvie GAMET
Partner & CEO
Associate Director at Finantis Value.
Engineer in Systems Engineering and Innovation
Certified AMF (Financial Markets Authority))
Member of CNCEF (National Chamber of Financial Advisers and Experts)
Member of EACVA / NACVA (Valuators and Analysts Association)
Member of LES France (Licensing Experts Society)
Sylvie is an expert in the financial valuation of innovative intangible assets (patents, trademarks, softwares, web and mobile applications, websites, know-how, trade secrets, etc.).

Yves-Alain ACH
Carelle PERNOT
Partner at Finantis Value
Carelle specializes in business valuations and tax matters.
Carelle graduated from Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne University ans is a chartered accountant. She has 18 years of experience and is mainly active in the non-profit sectors and in the catering sector.

Partner at Finantis Value
Renaud is an accountant. He is active in the distribution, automotive and real estate sectors.
Previously, he gained over 16 years of experience in international audit companies.

Partner at Finantis Value.
Fabien specializes in internal and external audit. He works with SMEs, antional and international groups from various sectors, including digital, film, industry or voluntary sectors.
Fabien is a chartered accountant and auditor.
We answer all your questions related to the valuation strategy of your company and its intangible assets.
100% human contact and 0% jargon.